How to Optimise Your Schedule: 4 Tips for Staying on Track
Managing your schedule can be difficult. It's easy to think about the tasks you need to do tomorrow, but it's not so easy to put them on your calendar today. The result? You find yourself constantly feeling behind, and always having one more thing to do.
However, this does not have to be the case for you!
We’ve put together a short list of tactics you can use to help you stay on track.
1. Define Your Goals
As an entrepreneur, being unable to move forward can feel devastating. When you don't know what you need to do, how will you know when it's done?
To understand how to get your business on the right path, it's important to first define your goals.
The first thing you should do to make your schedule as productive as possible is define your goals. Ask:
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
Who: Who is going to be in charge of the tasks? Who can help with implementation?
What: What is my vision? What is my plan? What are the actions that need to be committed to? What resources are needed?
When: When is the project due? When can it be initiated?
Where: Where will this lead my business? Where do I see the industry being in 2 years?
Why: Why should this be done? Why start now?
How: How will I achieve the desired results? How can progress be measured?
This will help create a clear picture of what needs to be done and how it is to be done. It will also eliminate any items from your to-do list that do not align with your objectives and related action plan.
2. Get Today's Tasks Done
Having a to-do list that is constantly growing is no way to be productive.
How can you make sure your task list remains manageable and that your deadlines don't consume you?
Get today's tasks done today. The following tips will help you do just that:
Wake up early
Tackle your Most Important Tasks (MITs) first
Avoid sources of distraction
Batch your work
Set a few rest breaks
Use motivational tools to keep you going
3. Get Ready for Tomorrow's Tasks Today!
The next step in optimising your schedule is simply planning ahead for tomorrow's tasks. This is an excellent way to beat procrastination, increase productivity and start the following day with clarity and focus.
By giving yourself a clear picture of what you need to do tomorrow, you can ensure that you only focus on the items that are absolutely necessary to get you closer to your objectives. The outcome? You'll be able to free up time tomorrow, which you can spend tackling pressing tasks and getting them ticked off your to-do list sooner.
4. Be Consistent
The easiest way to fall off track is to lose sight of your vision and deviate from the plan of action you set for yourself. To avoid such a situation, you need to establish consistent practices. This involves holding yourself accountableby checking in with yourself every few hours and noting down the status of your progress.
If you find yourself veering off course with your tasks and neglecting your commitments, remind yourself of this:
"Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently." — Marie Forleo
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